Look FREE #05 ... My world My RULES!

Ok, it's time for another article in English and most important Fashion #free!!! I know, we all love this lol ahahahhaa. This morning I was suppose to work on my video for the facebook page but, when there is a free outfit out there :D I just have to go!!!

So for today, I picked this cool sport outfit. Can you believe is totally free??? It comes with top and pants. Sadly it only has one color but still, it made my day!! Btw, it has sizes for all mesh bodies.

The sneackers, bracelets and the vintage radio are all frees from The Gacha Garden :D  so go and take a look, the event has plenty of gifts waiting for you.

And my cute hair :3 is the one I got from the Midnightmania at MOON store!! What else I could have asked for?  Now, here my details for you:

Head: Catwa Catya
Body: Maitreya Lara
Shape: My own


Hair: Lithium @MOON (it changes the free every day)
Outfit: La outfit Gift @Luxury Fashion
Bracelet:#187 MIAM  @ Gachagarden
Sneakers: Baby pink - Sorumin  @ Gachagarden
Vintage radio - CHEZ MOI @ Gachagarden

Don't forget to visit:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NovataSecondLife

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About Me

Hi/Привет/Hola ^^ my name is Luka just a regular girl who loves to eat, watch anime, sleep and yes play Second Life ♥ You can find more about me on youtube but let's share something here from time to time :D



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